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10 Maths Minimum Level materials English medium Given by Pallikalvithurai, Vilupuram Dt

We already shares a huge collection of slow learners materials .In this way we share this nmaterials also.We hope it will help you to practice slow learners for the exams.So use it and share withy our friends too.
A slow learner is a child who learns at a pace a little behind others of their age and grade level. Slow learners are not always learning disabled, and may have ordinary lives outside of the classroom. 
10 Maths MLM EM 

However, academic subjects are a challenge for them. To help slow learners, take a variety of approaches to teaching important subject matter. Get support for the students inside and outside the classroom. Most importantly, encourage slow learners by working with them patiently and by celebrating their successes.Repeat each learning point more than you normally would. Slow learners need to hear information a few times more than other students in order to understand it.[1]
Keep the other students interested by asking them questions and having them answer. Echo back their answers and explain how they relate to the point you are trying to teach.
For instance, in a lower elementary class, you might say, "Saranda says 2x2 is 4, and she's right. We know this because 2 and 2 is 2 + 2, and that's 4."
With older classes, you can reinforce learning points by leading discussions that encourage students to repeat the learning points. Ask questions about the subject matter, and ask students to explain their reasoning when they answer you.
Use audio and visual aids. Slow learners may struggle with basic skills such as reading, so movies, pictures, and audio can help them learn things that they would not pick up from reading alone. Use various media to repeat the information you want them to learn.[2]
For instance, if you are teaching conjunctions to elementary students, you can supplement your explanations and worksheets with the classic "Conjunction Junction" cartoon from Schoolhouse Rock!
When teaching a novel to high school students, help slow learners by passing out worksheets and supplementary materials with visuals, such as family trees of the characters involved, timelines of the plot, and images of historical maps, costumes, and houses from the period of the novel.
You may even have all your students take a learning style quiz to find out what types of learners you have and what approaches would be the most effective.


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