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What is ERP

E – Enterprise
R – Resource or Department
P – Planning

ERP is a continuous activity in each enterprise (Organization) to make sure that everything is going properly and efficiently.
i.e. the purchase department must plan.

       1. What to purchase.
       2. When to purchase. 
       3. How much to purchase.
       4. From where to purchase.

To make sure that they can get the quality material for the right price and in right time because many other departments waits for this material to start their activities such as production, sales etc...
And similarly, department must plan their activities properly as the success of the enterprise depends on how best the departments plan their activities.
ERP can be done manually or automation.
Manually: where human being involves in the planning so that it is.

        1. Time consuming.
        2. Not error free.
        3. Redundancy (Duplication) of data.
When the scope of the organization is small, it can be followed.
Automation: Using some software’s

      1. Not time consuming.
      2. Error free.
      3. No redundancy of data.

When scope of the organization is big, it is recommended to go for automation.

List of some ERP products:
SAP Logistics.
Oracle applications.
People soft.
JD Adwards.
Microsoft dynamics.

Justify SAP an ERP product.
SAP AG is the company developed their own language called ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming).
Using ABAP, solutions are developed for each department and calling the specific solution as modules and which fits for any company.


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