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SAP HR Maintaining Relationships

In an Organization plan, relationships are used to link different object types.
Example − A person holding a position in an organization is assigned with cost center. It defines a Person to position relationship and position to Organization unit.
While defining a hierarchical organization structure, it means you are creating a relationship between organization objects. When a person is holding a position in an organization unit, it means there is relationship between position object and organization object.
A relationship can be created in both the ways- top down and bottom approach. These relationships are normally maintained in HRP001 table. If these relationships are not standard, you may need additional tables.
To maintain relationship, use T-Code: PP01 or PP03.
T-Code: PP01 or PP03
A new window will open with the name Maintain Object.
Select the Object type, enter position number, give relationship and click create (F5).
Maintain Object

Object Types and Essential Relationships

Go to SPRO → IMG → Personnel Management → Organizational Management → Basic Settings → Data model enhancement → Maintain Object Types → Execute
To create new object type and assigning relationships follow the steps given below.
Step 1 − Create new object type and assign essential relationships.
Step 2 − Assign object to the required Infotypes.
Step 3 − Maintain subtypes.
Step 4 − Maintain personnel actions.
Step 5 − Assign number range.
Step 6 − Maintain object via PP03 or PP01.
Object Types and Essential Relationships
Step 7 − Go to the Change View “Object Types”: Overview window. Click New Entries to create a new object type. You can also copy an existing object type.
Change View1
Change View2
Step 8 − Enter Object type text, code, etc. When the object is created, assign essential relationships to it by clicking on essential relationships on the left side.
  • Assigning a relationship means that once an object is created, the assigned relationships are mandatory to be maintained.
  • Maintaining Object types is available in Table: T7780
  • Maintaining Essential relationship is available in Table: T7750
Table: T7750

Relationship Maintenance

For maintaining relationship in SAP HR module, go to SPRO → IMG → Personnel Management → Organizational Management → Basic Settings → Data model enhancement → Relationship Maintenance → Maintain Relationships → Execute
Relationship Maintenance
In the left pane, go to Allowed Relationships, select the relationship you want to maintain, click Position.
Allowed Relationships


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