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Term - 3 Work book for 5 th std science

Zeal study  shares you  a work book for 5 th std all subjects.We think it is very useful to you. so use it and share with your friends too.Study skills, academic skill, or study strategies are approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to success in school. considered essential for acquiring good grades, and useful for learning throughout one's life.
5  th Science 
Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They include mnemonics, which aid the retention of lists of information; effective reading; concentration techniques; and efficient note taking.
While often left up to the student and their support network, study skills are increasingly taught in high school and at the university level.
More broadly, any skill which boosts a person's ability to study, retain and recall information which assists in and passing exams can be termed a study skill, and this could include time management and motivational techniques.
Study skills are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study. They must therefore be distinguished from strategies that are specific to a particular field of study (e.g. music or technology), and from abilities inherent in the student, such as aspects of intelligence or learning styles.
The weakness with rote learning is that it implies a passive reading and listening style. Educators such as John Dewey have argued that students need to learn critical thinking – questioning and weighing up evidence as they learn. This can be done during lectures or when reading books.
A method that is useful during the first interaction with the subject of study is REAP method. This method helps students to improve their understanding of the text and bridge the idea with that of the author's. REAP is an acronym for Read, Encode, Annotate and Ponder.
Read: Reading a section to discern the idea.
Encode: Paraphrasing the idea from the author's perspective to the student's own words.
Annotate: Annotating the section with critical understanding and other relevant notes.


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